

First thing to report/let everyone know about: I got a job in IT! I will be working towards world peace in the IT realm. Let's see what happens from here on out.

Second thing: the World Cup is starting to tear at my heart--the games so far that have most impressed me for whatever reason, and some commentary afterwards:
(1) Brazil v Croatia: Brazil is always awesome to see in the World Cup...actually ANY SINGLE ONE of the players on the Brazil side are fun and awesome to see play (Especially Ronaldinho...the way he can touch the ball is orgasmic!); however, Croatia--and more than anything, their fans--were inspiring. I know that sport is war and often the sides are confused, there's many things about Soccer and professional sports are dislikeable. However, watching the Croatian fans was inspring; cheering throughout the game, being their team's "12th man" was ... just ... awesome. Congrats to Croatia's side. I seriously was turned on by watching the game--not for the guys--but for some weird reason, I felt amazingly attracted to this 'beautiful game' just watching it on TV...even if it's ESPN.
(2) Spain v Ukraine: a blow-out on the Spanish side, people are talking about the underachievers getting their dues. Perhaps, perhaps not. We shall see, but it was awesome seeing a 4-0 result.
(3) Germany v Costa Rica: awesome to see just a balls-out attacking offence-based effort on the German side.
(4) Tunisia v Republic of Saudia Arabia: Until the last minute each team was working it. Amazing to watch players play a full 90 minutes plus stoppage/extra time. Plus to see Saudi Arabia win a match--a first in a long time for them--was amazing. Watching talented people makes me want to become even more talented in the areas I can. If I can put the same amount of training and effort into my job and my activities...I can be on the same level as those footballers out there on the pitch. Or so I hope.
(5) Mexico v Iran: What can I say...i don't know the exact reason why, but this game seemed interesting to me.

What an awesome World Cup so far, it's been exciting--perhaps it's the new ball or perhaps it's for a more aggresive style of play--but it's been EXCITING! Wow, I don't know how many times I've gotten chills watching a match. I wish I could share some of this excitement with others, alas, I can't. Only a few other people seem to understand and I'm not watching it with them.

Tomorrow is Sweden-Paraguay (Gr B), Eucaodr-Costa Rica (Gr A), and England-Trinidad/Tobago (Gr B): let's see how Trinidad/Tobago can do, eh? They were quite awesome in their first game.

I can't believe it's only the Group Matches and I'm this fired up about the World Cup; I can't wait for the Round of 16.

USA? All the way?

No probably not. But USA has the capability to do well in this World Cup--sad to see it didn't come out versus the Czech Republic, I hope they can show their true talent as a team versus Italy.

Third, I remember what it is now that made me angry when I was home. Agitated and impassioned. For the first time in my life, I felt as if I was a stranger to the community in which I was born and raised. I never felt like that before. However, when the checker in the supermarket line chit-chats with the people in her line and ignores me; I feel invalidated, for one reason or another. When people look at me, in the fucking supermarket, not speaking a word, and dismiss me with their eyes, I can feel either empowered to change my karma or I can feel as if I'm less than they are. I feel both...it's such a weird feeling. Perhaps. I want to change the wolrd to become a place where people aren't pre-judged by the color of thier skin; repeating the words of MLK Jr..."I have a dream that one day my children won't be judged by the color of thier skin but by the content of their character." This is my dream as well. That my children--even if they aren't of my blood, or even that they are the next generation--will be judged by their words, actions, and deeds rather than what is on the outside or what is illusory and phenomenal (vs metaphysical). I want to see a world where people are taken care of, from birth to death, where they are encouraged to explore their feelings, where their knowledge is tickled, pushed, poked, prodded and asked to excel, where people can challenge themselves to their fullest, but know that they have had a chance to start as an equal to everyone else, that there's not a sense of "priviledge" that remains unseen by the priviledged, but that "priviledged" is all and not just a few or a minority. I want to make this imagined world a reality--maybe not in my generation (what ever that means) or several generations from now--but I want to see that I've sown the seeds for this transformation of the Earth. I will become that which pushes the growth of the world toward this direction.

Fourth and perhaps most important of all is a realization I've been having over and over in my life and I'm ready to change it, again! I want to change aspects of how I relate with the people I have crushes on. I'm changing it...bit by bit...however I want to understand what's at the basis of my suffering, what I can do to change my karma, what I can take from the sufferings I go through and use that to help others in changing their own karma. What is it that I exist for? What is my mission?

My answers, I know are all above. I see it. Now it's a chance to put it into action. I'm chanting tomorrow and until forever that I can complete my mission for the day and put my life into doing Kosen-Rufu, doing my human revolution, making world peace happen.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. I hope to change the world for the positive.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. I hope to stand up against injustice.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. I want to contribute to everlasting world peace/kosen-rufu.

Ellie, I read your blog and I have to say, LET'S GO! I want to go to a drag show with you...the all-male revue even. I'll GO GO GO GO GO!
Allie/Ann, Miss you guys a lot. I don't think I can make it in August to Japan...who knows what will happen in reality; however, I will come visit within the year you guys have left as ALTs.
Jess: Nice talking, the 4400 doesn't beat "House," does it?
Uyennie: I wish you could've been at Izakaya at Honda-ya.
Pili: thanks for coming out with us. I had a nice time tonight and thank you for being there, just around. Perhaps you're the best straight male friend I have.
Chester: I'm glad to have met you at SUA. You're a stand-up guy, who probably won't read this at all. Heh...just included it, in case.
Brian: Thank you for listening to me tonight ramble on about Colorado...I realized a bit today about what I want to change in this world, and it was sparked by you just listening. You probably won't read this either, but hey, I'm thanking people so.
Lisa: Thanks for being one of my biggest supporters since day one. Best friend around you are and I appreciate the things you do for me and I like even just listening to what ever it is you say.
Hiro: Thank you for coming out to dinner tonight, great conversationalist you are...at least at making sure people around you are talking.
Lili: I love having you around. You are someone who I don't feel that I ever have to censor myself, I can speak freely. You are special. We'll work together on the Pearl for the future of SUA.
Diana: Bueno, tan poco tiempo que nos hemos conocido. And yet, I feel that we are sisters or brothers from the past. Something I will never forget about you is the time we went to Santa Monica. Crazy as it was, and as it still remains in my memory as such, I love having you around. Especially with your partner-in-crime, la Loca.
Kajal: I appreciate your gestures in support. I may have been wary of why or how. However, I know that you are a true friend. Thank you in so many ways.
Diana: Maa ne, you're not around. I will see you soon.
Juju, Tinki, and Momo: Horino sisters, honmani arigatou. Thank you. I don't know what it is, but I bet we were siblings in some other life time. I know that you guys have a lot of troubles inside your family--for different reasons. Kedo, you guys always enlighten me in the more crazy side of life that I always fail to experience.
Derekku: Arigatou. Friendship lasts, grows, changes, and yet, we're still friends...even if the major cementing of our friendship was in NYC...and that was an experience...wait you already know that...heh heh. I can't say thank you enough for supporting me either. Thank you. Thank you.
Akechan: my fag hag. Awww...I'm so happy to have one. I know that it's difficult to be away from things you know and understand and yet, you seem to be flourishing in a place far from home, but with fellow students who are trying their darndest to grow and flourish where they are as well. see you in July...since I'll be here!
Lisa Mac: Awww...the big sweet heart from texas. It could also be spelt the big sweetheart from Texas. I'm missing you and all your lovin' even if sometimes the love is spiked with spite. I absolutly wish I could become as beautiful as you are in sweetness and care.
Rekha: Your intellect and mine could rule the world...one day...far off in the future...perhaps. Kedo, I appreciate you're warm homey feel. You're set to be a great care-taker of the world--by feeding each person in the world your faaabuuuullllous Indian food. Arigatou. Honmani arigatou.
Kaori: though you may be a bit fearful at times, your sense of what is right and what is wrong while still maintaining an understanding of gray, is inspiring.
I have many more people to thank and give appreciation to. I wish I could do all of that right now, but here is what's poured out of my heart right now, because these people are on my minds. As for tokubetsu (special) thank yous there here.
Sanae and Michael: Thank you for providing me support in the past week and a half. I can't believe that there are still people out there who will support relative strangers in any way they can--even opening up their houses to these people. You have a profound sense of trust and a profound depth of warmth in this family. To your still-unborn child's health, longevity, and future!
David & Eric: My brothers--I can't ask for different brothers--that'd be insane. But, I can tell that you guys were chanting for my happiness and my future job. It happened to be I.T. I want to say thank you in so many ways. However, all I have are words. Arigatou. Xie Xie. Thank You. Muchas Gracias--os agradezco mucho.
Obaachan: Honmani arigatou gozaimasu. Obaachan no daimoku ha hontoni tsuyoi kara boku ima Souka Daigaku ni shitogoto surerun desu yo. Honmani, sen man oku (times) arigatou. Kansha.
Mom & Dad: Thank you for your daimoku as well. Without you guys I am nothing. I am indebted to you guys in many ways, financially is one, but in so many ways as well. I will take care of you guys throughout your life (your lives).

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