
Blast from the Past

I just looked at one of my blogs from September 2003. Wow! I don't know if I've changed that much. But I do have to say, I know I feel different than how I was feeling then. I felt quite different then than I do now. Yet I don't know if I've progressed to the better.

Ellie: Wishing you well with the pee and the poo!
Cassie: I can't believe you were worried!
Jessica: Can I come live with you if my plans for other stuff fall through? And what happened to your world domination plans?
Ann: Hmm...I wish I could've visited you. You don't have any genetic mutations from your bout with that nasty Japanese virus do you?
Pili: Your cooking; wonderful!
Uyennie: Longtime no see. Well, not really. The kids, O! the kids! How was the last day for the 'young one'?
Allie: Hmm...still digging out?

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