
I miss you guys

I miss Jess, Ellie, Ann, Allie, Cassie, Pili...though not so much Pili since I see him about every week...and Uyennie, and MO'M, and Mitzi, and so many others. I am comforted knowing that you guys are 'trailblazing' out there--you know finding jobs, learning about the world outside of the university, all that kind of stuff. While I sit here where I have friends, but you know nothing like those friends you shared that first (or I guess for y'all, second) year at SUA with. There's something--a certain kind of bond that exists between the first and second classes. I miss having you guys so close. I guess I'm kinda getting a taste of the real world here. My lifes-long friends are so far away, well most of them are at least a 30-minute drive away, and I only get to see them for a few days outta the year. Wow.

I'm getting over it...I'm learning about myself. Still.

We had a major chinese new year's dinner tonight. Yum! Gong xi fa chai! (Gong huy fa choi!) [Happy (Chinese) New Year!]

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