
Back in Colorado

I guess I should just let everyone know at least that.

Maybe this is a late realization

So, I'm realizing what "power" usually means. The ability to make a decision. You are free to make a decision in your life to push for something or push for something else. You are also free to not make that decision as well. This is power at its base. In terms of politics, that means whomever makes the decision is the one who holds power. Thus, in the EU--the power "belongs" to the Member States. In Spain, power is "shared" between the Communidades Autonomas and the National government. In a company, the person who makes the decision is the one that has the most "power." What's beautiful about a lot of life is when you can learn to share that "power." Democracy, ultimately means that you have to be willing to accept a reduction in your "power" so that you can come to a decision to which more people can agree.

Hmm....procrastination is fun. How are y'all? Send me e-mails to my gmail address it goes andrew.reker (*at*) yada yada yada, y'all know the rest. Happy to be seeing you guys soon!



First post in a while

I will graduate in so short of a time. I will be graduating on the 21st. It's the 8th...uhm, that's like 13 days. Before that I have to finish writing my capstone, which is due this friday--four days, essentially. Diana is sitting next to me in the Neighborhood Cup freaking about capstone and I'm slowly writing mine--like usual, procrastinating mine, to the last minute. I can now see why it pays off to do a lot more work in the beginning of the process. I wish i could've written precis of the readins I did, I think I would've had a more analytical capstone. Sigh. Moment that was lost.

I went to Ashes and Snow yesterday. What an exhibition! I hope all of you can see it--if you're around the LA area in the next week. It closes next Sunday. I may go up again on Friday--after I've turned in my Capstone to see it. It's worth a second look, I think. Anyways, I want to take Jeff to see it.

Jeff's supposed to be back tonight, from FNCC. His flight comes in in about two hours and I hope I can get a significant chnk of my Capstone done before he's back. I imagine I won't be doing much except talking to him about FNCC and his experience. I also want to finish all of my Pearly stuff tonight. To be done with it and have it to Chelsea tomorrow morning. I also want to exercise tonight sometime, but I'm not sure if that'll happen--I'll just go tomorrow morning instead.

I still haven't told mom and dad about Jeff and I. I want to call them tonight as well, but they may have to take a back seat to my Capstone for the moment.

That's what's going on in my life right now. I'm sure there's more, but I can't detail all my life on this blog every entry, can I? It'd just not be worth the time.

anyways, here's to renewed spirit of bloggin.