Bored. Bored.

Saw the cutest thing on the 29th: two guys at the mall, as I walked through the food court. Looked like High schoolers who went to FCHS (couldn't stand what the two were wearing::ugh). But, I digress. So, as I walked through the food court, they were sitting there eating their food. But, these two were sitting close (a bit /too/ close) and playing footsie (and having a good time at it).

Then, I realized, they couldn't hold hands, even if they wanted too. It'd be too much social pressure. Couldn't be, oh no!, a "fag" or a "fuckin' queer". (Though, they were for a little bit as I was passing by.)

*World drops upon Andy* Oooof.

Sometimes this world just sux. )sigh(

On that sad thought: g'night.

A new day rises.

Or will rise in a few hours.


(that's one of those words that quickly looses meaning...eh?)
It's tough being back in Colorado:
I breath 5 times more than anyone else;
I get burned easier from the altitude;
I try to drink more water, but I think it all evaporates before it reaches my mouth;
I have to live under the "fascist" dicators that are my parents (hehe...j/k).

It was tough before, but I guess it's not really that bad that I'm under my parent's control. It's....not....that bad. I guess all they really want me to do is to have me get a job for the summer. That's all that they really want of me.

So, I went out today looking for job apps. I hope to get one soon. I think that Safeway is probably going to be my best choice. I dunno how it'll be. But I'd rather support a local company (colorado-based) but that would involve going back to King Soopers...and well...umm...NO!

Oh well, probably too much drama for me...I don't even have an app filled out yet.

Hopefully I'll be doing fine and on my way to working soon.

In less than 6 days I'll be in Portlandia. I hope that all goes well. It should.

Hmm...when will I tell my family?

When oh when?

Major Soreness! ::Ouch!::

Response to "soka thought": Because it requires work and it is hard work to do so.
Soka thought: "Why do we have to complain that what we're shown to be isn't who we are instead of saying we should become who we are shown to be?"
"Everything stays here (in the newsroom), until it goes out in the newspaper." -JessW, Pearl meeting, late one night, not so long ago.
"I can stand being a dork...even if sometimes I can be a flaming drama-queening dork" -Me, AIM with AnneB.
Difficult day(s) ahead?

I never thought about how hard life is when you are back at home still "subservient" to your parents.

Hello! Come on! I'm 19. I'm able to handle myself! Oy vey!

And it's not like I don't know how to clean my room. (Mom just came in 20 mins ago to find my room a "disaster" which wasn't that much of a disaster considering I just got back 2 days ago, finished unpacking yesterday, and really didn't have time today to clean that much, well in the morning, but that really doesn't count.

Boredom is hell. Not everyone's back yet, and I can't "find" people. I know quite a few of them are back and well if they'd just answer their GD phones, it would be fine. BUT nooo-o-o-o. Of course not.

On the highlight of the day, I did go to a grad party for one of my SGI friends, that was great. I got to reconnect with the people who are back here, in the SGI that I haven't talked to much since well last summer. JR-Colo graduated today. Now he's taller than I am. Whoa! that was a long time not seeing him. Must remember to go out and do something with him and other SGI ppls to do something (anyone up for water world? elitches? or maybe even fort fun?)

Forgot that colorado is such a high and dry state. Oops. There goes the lungs! And I need MORE water! (5L isn't enough)

Houses have steep steps too! My god!

And why are the switches to the bathrooms on the INSIDE?!?! (stupid SUA-ism).

How to tell you live in a "Western" state: Top News> I-80 Bridge collapses due to semi-accident.

Ok, enough for tonight.

Except for 1 thing: bro being cocky. Kinda "kingly" except not in the nice Jess way. Jess's "Queenie"-ness is standable. E's "kingly"-ness is NOT.

Bye. More dramah latah!
I think I died.
Or rather that I fled.
What's up, buttercup?
Nothing much, not much, never much.
Nothing ever.
It's e-vile cousin: summer boredom.

I'm finally back in colorado. Ways away from my heartly home, Soka.

I'm glad that I'm here, but I already miss my dorm. My friends. My comrades.

To those of you reading this, I know I'll see most of you in 2 weeks, so I guess I should be happy. But it's not the same unless all 200 or so of us are there.

Oh well, I'll be in Portland, OR from the 3rd of June to the 7th. I'll be sure to blog constantly 'til then.

But, for now, I'll ciao. I just ate and want to get some SimCity4 in b4 night.
I'm not dead now either, I'm just really deadly tired. I'll write more once this hellish week is over. I have a paper due in about 10 hours, and I'm done with about 2 pages of around 7 or so, so I should be able to turn it in soon enough.

I ain't complaining< i brought all of this upon myself, stupid procrastinating nature of mine. :P - phbbt.

Well g'morning!
sea-elle: "i can sleep when I'm dead"
I'm not dead.

Really, no I'm not dead.

I guess everything's been going well enough that I don't have to rant or do any blogging.

I'll write more this weekend. I have a paper to research and write.
I found something that's helping me out right now.

From the last World Tribune: Greg Martin's article>>"Walk the Buddha Walk" (p6):
"Ultimate proof of my buddhist practice lies in the way I think about, talk with and behave toward others. As difficult a standard as this is to live up to, it is, bottom line, my behavior that matters most. An acorn release its innate potential in accord with receiving the proper nourishment."

From today onwards, I will try to "Walk the Buddha Walk."
I need to tell my parents that I'm gay.

I need to do this because I can't tell my mom how I'm _really_ feeling when I answer the phone and that hurts the most, more than anything else right now. I wish I could. But at this moment, I can't bring myself to it.

I don't know why. I know that I could stand on my own two feet if I was asked to do it. But it would hurt too much to lose people I know so well.

This is something that I know I'll have to do b4 I leave here...because I don't think I can stand being at home and not 'out' to my parents.
Roommate issues. I'm passive-agressive to my roommate. My talk with Ellie helped me realize that I need to work on the relationship I have with my roommate.

Not to justify it, well, really to justify my passive-agressive reactions to my roomie, it's not like he's angelic. He smokes pot all the time. He takes an arrogant stance with a lot of things he says to other people. He's totally a pig and doesn't clean things up. I could go on and on, but really I shouldn't.

And to fight back at this stuff, I give him the cold shoulder. I know how to do dialogue to discuss problems, to do all that. But I feel so incapacitated when confronted with these issues. I kinda mentally block him out, telling myself that he's not human enough to deserve my piece of mind. Or maybe I don't feel human enough to justify telling him a piece of my mind. I don't know.

All I know is that the room is not a happy place to exist. A tension exists. Tenseness is the modus operandi.
I need to do more gongyo. I need to study more of the Lotus Sutra and read from the WT and LB. I need to go to activities.

I feel like I am living without a spiritual center.

I don't know if this a new thing from the things going on in my life right now or if this is something that has been developing in my life. Maybe I feel this way because I am not feeling good about myself right now. Maybe it's just a panic response. Maybe it's this, maybe that. I just don't know.

However, I know that I, usually, feel better when I'm doing my gongyo and my daimoku. I feel the best then. And at times, that's not that happy.

Now is when I'm supposed to be building my character. However, I feel as if i don't even have a foundation to set it on.
On the personal side, I'm feeling blue. In essence, I feel like crap because who I want don't want me back! Heh heh heh. Tepid laughter. Heh. Cough.

Hmm...I guess I'm not really sure of myself because of hisself. I feel that I'm not sure what I'd do if I'd be totally open and talk and do all those things I know I'm eventually gonna have to do. I still so just want to kiss him everytime I see him. It's getting easier and easier. But my self-imposed block is still going to have to stay. I hope he'll understand. I just don't know how I will mend myself without at least starting to talk to him, about him, yada yada yada and the like. (Connundrum...)

Where am I? How did I get here? Where will I go?

These are questions I've been asking myself to my situation.

Where am I? Lost, confused, looking for truth, looking.
How did I get here? I told someone I liked them. I thought, kinda naively, that I could like someone and they'd like me back. Also, I thought, again naively, that he was gay; all "the" signs said yes. He said that he wasn't. Oops. The truth is he didn't like me back. Simple as that.
Where will I go? I don't exactly know, all that I do know is that I'm growing as a person.

Yet, even if I know I'm growing from this situation, I don't exactly know how I'm growing. I have no gauge to see if I'm growing positively or negatively. All that I know is that I'm growing. Is that just it though? Is it that growth is good no matter what direction it's in?

I guess these are things I need to figure out.
This has been like such a long time since I've written in this, and since i'm not being effective tonight, I guess it's as good as any other time to blog.

I'm so exhausted from The Pearl printing last night. We printed in color and we only had my printer, it was not very pretty at all. I think that I'm pretty much pooped from that. I went to sleep around 04h00 or so and I woke around 08h30. Ok, so not 3 hours like I told some people, but more like 4h30. I needed some break from thinking (mostly about him) and well I enjoyed it while it lasted. However, I realized that for the last month and a half or so, it's been Pearl Pearl Pearl and not much else, so I'm in need of this night off from The Pearl.

I think this was the cleanest issue on the backside (layout), printing was hellish, like usual. But I mean, it wasn't too bad. It was just the length of doing the printing. I hope to god the printing won't be hellish, though I know it will be with 12 pages and therefore we'll have problems printing because of the length. (sigh)

On the classes side of things, I totally feel non-comitted to anything in my Learning Cluster. Right now I feel like I'm not really committed to doing much and that this will be a huge failure. I only really get this feeling on my b/c/d/f papers, so we'll see how I end up fixing this lack of motivation problem I'm having right now. On the other hand, I got phone calls and emails from the places I contacted on Wednesday and I think that I may be able to use the information they give me in my paper. The majority of my lazyness is on the part of how huge this class looks. I feel that I'm expected to solve this problem, or at least do something like on the scale of my Extended Essay [20 sources, 3 months of research and writing, hours of meetings with advisors] and I'm afraid of comitting myself to anything that horrendously. This especially because I feel that I was fucked over in the topic I chose and I fucked myself over in doing the project because I didn't commit to it strongly. This is odd logic at it's best: I'm afraid of committing to something because in the past I under-committed myself to a similar project.

Ok, so my update: I really shouldn't be doing this right now, but I'm not ready, just yet, to go to sleep.

Today has been a day of great magnitude, really the last few days have been.

I have had a crush on someone from...wow...that's a long time ago (as he checks his logs) November::6 months. I mean it wasn't a total crush at that time, it was just more like, I like this guy a lot. I really didn't know at that time that it would be the catalyst for me to start a major change in my life. But I am starting to get ahead of myself. So I've liked this guy for a long time, 6 months or so, and that feeling has been developing in me ever since then. I mean, to a point where I had to tell him. I started feeling an affinity (mentally as well as physically, something that wasn't there before) for him around my birthday, which was probably a secondary cause for me, that grew until i came to the point about 3-4 days ago where I just couldn't stand it anymore and had to tell him.

I did tell him. It wasn't 'successful' in the fact that I don't have a boyfriend...no matter how much I want one right now (which is such a childish thing to say).

However, that's not what's really important. I mean, it's not like that it wasn't important for me to tell this guy that I had feelings for him. But right now, I'm realzing, with the help of Ellie, that it isn't exactly the fact that I liked him but the fact that I'm growing and that even if this was a flying leap off the highest cliff in the world, that it is/was a necessary step.

However, to the actuals. On Thursday night (01 may - at least it was a fresh start), I told him that I liked him. I did it in a roundabout way, not coming out first and saying what I wanted to say, but I started telling him about "this guy" that I have a crush on...and eventually got around to telling him it was him that I like. After I finally said that, I was as elated as I have ever been in my life; I could feel the weight lifted off my shoulders, that I felt better, completely throughout my psyche, my mind, my body that I told him how I feel. It was a first step for me to be true with myself. Though, at tha time, he and I weren't face-to-face, we did it andy-style. And being andy-style, it was through MSN. However, I needed to (and I think it was better anyways) talk to him in person. We arranged it so that we could talk about it further in person the next day. I didn't get a response to if he reciprocated the feelings I felt for him.

At this time, I would like to make an aside by making this really cheezy connection to the song by Mandy Moore (mystically born on the same day that I was: 10 April 1984) named "crush": "I know I should tell you how I feel...anytime you call me / I'm too scared to be me / and I'm too shy to say: / I've got a crush on you / I hope you feel the way I do / I get a rush when I'm with you." This, because it's a pop song, reflects rather well how I felt about this guy.

Fast-forward to Friday (2 mar) night/yesterday morning. My 'knight in shining armor' came a bit late, just an hour or so, but I was working on stuff for the Identity club (GSA at SUA), so I mean it was ok, it's not like I would have been able to prepare for our homophobia presentation afterwards. So, when he came, I was so nervous, maybe more nervous than I was to tell him, but at least as nervous. Cut to the chase really quickly...I guess tiredness does that to you. I know that he was very flattered, he told me so. However, he told me that he's straight. (sigh - what a waste: j/k - i mean, come on I have to get my defense mechanisms in: defense mechanisms are *so* great and all, I just want to use one here).

And I guess, I really fell for him, like hard, because I think I misread some signs that he was giving off; though, at the same time, my (girl) friends (though I could have tainted their view, being all in crush with this guy) all think he's gay. He felt happy that I did have a crush on him, that a guy had a crush on him. This made him feel good, he said. I do know that we did talk about life and how we aren't totally sure of ourselves the night before, so that's what context that fits in.

And of course, like in any drama on tv, the roommate (another issue blog) comes in with his friends and we have to go somewhere else to discuss this stuff. So we head off to the living room and finish our conversation. I mean, I'll be okay with this. It's just because this event is so near to where I am right now that I just haven't had enough time to digest what's going on. I do really appreciate his friendship; he's just such a wonderful person, balanced, caring, and deep, that you couldn't dislike him at all.

I do think that I was transparent when he did say that he wasn't straight...I felt a moment of 'shattering' (think Amélie), but I prepared to hear the worst, and hoped for the best (well the relative best: a new, full, boyfriend-type relationship). Though, throughout the rest of the time, I do think that I was ok, I mean relatively. I was at least able to make it through the night to make it to bed.

Ok, to the 'moral' of the story: this guy is the first person I've ever truly liked on a level deeper than just surface physical looks. For me to admit an affection for him is the largest leap that I could ever make. I still have enough trouble accepting myself as a gay man that allowing myself to be remotely happy even in thinking a relationship is difficult. However, I did make the first step on accepting myself on a deeper level. I think I made a major breakthrough on that. I allowed myself to enjoy the possibility of a relationship, and at the same time, I was comfortable enough with myself to allow myself to tell him that I liked him.

That is a huge emotional/heart barrier to break through. I can't believe that I made such a leap.

However, I do want to say that until tonight, where Ellie and I talked for hours, I still felt the feeling of 'falling' through the abyss of heart-break. I cannot say how much Ellie helped me put things into perspective. It's one thing to admit to yourself that there are positives that can come out of a "unsuccessful" attempt at getting a boyfriend, but the fact that Ellie helped me accept the fact that it is possible, has made my life-state a hundred times better.

Not to say that this event was bad, but I dropped everything to say the relatively few words: "I really like you. Do you like me back?" and right now my life is in need of a stable gongyo and daimoku rythym. I feel that the last month or so has been the worst month in my practice: I feel like I'm becoming the 'fortune babies' (people born into my buddhist practice) that don't know what they have and only go to the gohonzon (the scroll we pray to:metaphorical reflection of our being) when in desperate need. I have been shady the last month, and probably this whole semester on my daily practice, my buddhist study, and going to buddhist activites. I have also been shady (as witnessed at the May 3rd festival) in stuff outside of the classroom.

Ok enough for one entry. I'll add more later as I think/digest later. More info will be above because I think this is way too much for one entry anyways.
"Dost thou love life?
"Then do not squander time, for that is what life is made of."
-Ben Franklin

"Truth exists; only falsehood has to be invented."
-George Braque

"Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a facascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
-Hermann Gœring, Nazi 2nd in-command
Nuremburg Trials

"We need to recognize that a government that would deny a gay man the right to bridal registry is a fascist state."
–Margaret Cho, The Notorious C.H.O.
Many things happened today/tonight. I'll write more tomorrow...after the end-all day of the year: 3may.

I can tell you this: i got a choice room: 300/404. Yay! I'm in 300! With many friends!
Tonight I have decided that I need to write in my blog.

It's been a long time since I feel that I've written in here and I feel so much like crap that I need some place to express my feelings.


I don't know where to start.

Well, first, my gongyo (prayers) haven't been consistent and I think that's the main thing that's causing me to feel like crap.

I feel off-balance all the time. And I also feel that I don't devote enough time out of my day to do things that I value: doing gongyo and chanting, reading, studying, learning languages, basically things that I know will make me happy. Except that right now, I feel so off-kilter, so off-balance, so spinning-out-of-control that, at times I don't do anything, or feel like I don't do anything.

I guess this could be enhanced by the fact that I went off campus to Las Vegas and feel like I've been away from reality for more than 2 weeks. But that is probably just an side effect or something like that.

However, this still doesn't solve my feeling that I'm in 15 feet of sh*t and trying to crawl out of that in to a gas-filled sewage chamber filled with flying man-eating amoebas that are being devoured by "Langolier"-like creatures that are hell-bent on destroying the world by eating it through and through.

Ok, so that may have been me playing a bit dramatic...just a bit. (GRIN)

I have to leave work now...but I'll try'n' write more later tonight.