Roommate issues. I'm passive-agressive to my roommate. My talk with Ellie helped me realize that I need to work on the relationship I have with my roommate.

Not to justify it, well, really to justify my passive-agressive reactions to my roomie, it's not like he's angelic. He smokes pot all the time. He takes an arrogant stance with a lot of things he says to other people. He's totally a pig and doesn't clean things up. I could go on and on, but really I shouldn't.

And to fight back at this stuff, I give him the cold shoulder. I know how to do dialogue to discuss problems, to do all that. But I feel so incapacitated when confronted with these issues. I kinda mentally block him out, telling myself that he's not human enough to deserve my piece of mind. Or maybe I don't feel human enough to justify telling him a piece of my mind. I don't know.

All I know is that the room is not a happy place to exist. A tension exists. Tenseness is the modus operandi.

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