
Some amazing photography!

25 Breathtaking Examples of Nature Photography | Inspiration - StumbleUpon

Some inspiring nature photography i stumbled-upon.

Israeli Thoughts on Airport Security

I read an interesting article about airport security in the US.  Something that has been on my mind recently since I've been spending a lot of my vacations recently flying back between Colorado and here visiting my family in the past year.

In interviewing an expert on security for Israel, one of the people quoted in the article discussed what would change the current airport security situation in North America.

What Israel can teach us about security - thestar.com - StumbleUpon
And rather than fear, he suggests outrage would be a far more powerful spur to provoking that change.


so much hate

there's so much hate going on in the news right now. it's hard to believe that so much hate can come from people. However, the in-group-ing and out-group-ing of people is starting to drive me insane.

Honestly, I want to know how it is to become happy; I want to become happy! I want other's to become happy.  I will have to change my life so that my society changes.  I will be the best example of what it is to be a full human being.  I leave that determination up to no other.

9 days into the new year

and i've been sick for 3 of those 9 days.  not a bad start do you think?  well, chanting more today for those people who are at rock the era practice toward the MLK parade. wishing them the best of health.