Bend It Like Beckham is such a good movie!!!

"We'll turn these mosquito bites into juicy juicy mangos."

"Lesbian? But I thought she was a Pieces."

"Why did she take Jasminder's shoes?"

"But your

"Take your lesbian feet out of my shoes!"

Intresting: MSNBC | Moving Targets
All Geek to Me - Nerd Love on Average Joe. By DahliaƂ Lithwick
Gay.com News

This made me think of days of Amendment 2. Did anything really change since then? Can we say that Colorado is a more accepting or even tolerant place after that issue?

Because...this federal marriage amendment is coming from the minds of two of colorado's most conservative members. It makes me wonder how many Coloradoans really believe in the politics of Allard and Musgrave. Musgrave being the ultra-conservative Fort Morganer and Allard being the ... ultra-conservative Fort Collins/Lovelandite. Why do all these whackos come from my part of the state???

Are FCinaders that conservative, or is it that there's _that_ many rural people who tip the scales. Don't they believe in "Live as you live, as long as it don't affect us"? As long as it's what stays behind closed doors, then, eh? So long as you don't see out couples kissing and doing the "couple thing". It's fine.


If whomever my boyfriend will be, and I are walking hand-in-hand down the street or kissing as we socialize...I don't care if it makes you uncomfortable. You need some uncomfortability in life. And if your politics bothers me, fine. Just don't set anything that can preclude dialogue and discussion on topics important to me.
"X Marks the spot...kewl!
Umm...what the HECK!?!?
The male "pill"...interesting...
I'm so procrastinating...maybe I should try to do something that's more productive? Though, i've spent about all my night from about 7PM to now doing anything and everything but writing my two papers and studing for chinese. Argh!
Courts and Same-Sex Marriages | csmonitor.com
No comment!
La vida no es dificil ahora...for now.
MA High Court in Massachusetts Rules Gays Have Right to Marry
Millionformarriage.org | Yah!
Tired, but awak at 7h00AM. ..! yay !..
My feelings at the mome can be summarized by this statement: "As much empty as I am tired."
"Hey, J It looks like you're in a queenly moment..."
"I live in a queenly moment."
Just took someone to the ER. Got back and 'been talking to people for the last hour and a half or so.

It seems that there was some bleeding goin' on 'down there' with her.

I want to help, but I really don't know what I can do. I think, after talking it over with the rest of my hall mates, that we just show our support for her. It seems like what needs to happen with her is an attitude change/shift. Hopefully our support, will show her that we care and want her to succede here at SUA.

All for now, I'll attempt to sleep and try'n' study tomorrow morn'.
BLOGGER - Knowledge Base
The Onion | Mom Finds Out About Blog
I'm really really tired....'waked late this morning.

I think I only got 4h00 of sleep...i crashed in LIT, and in AMEX. Totally not worth going to that class on my behalfs. I was totally non-contributive.

Je dois pratique plus le francais. Je ne peux pas le ecrire. Je pense que je n'ai que a trouver un personne, mais il n'y en a beaucoup de personnes ici qui peut m'enseigner bcp. il est important que je practique le francais, mais je ne veux pas trouver qq'un qui va m'enseigner. Il ne faut que je contacte qq'un, mais ca c'est un chose qui me prends bcp d'energie. Une chose que je n'en ai pas bcp.

Merde! Je veux, mais, je ne peux. Je pense que les mots "je ne peux pas," le phrase le plus triste et deprimant.

Donce! je vive plus optimiste, je dois le faire.

Sorry, no translation, would take a bit too long. Je ne pense plus en francais, seulement en espagnol ou anglais. Je ne reve presque jamais en francais. Je ne reve plus.


Je dors, mais je ne reve.
Je me leve, mais je ne reve.
Tu dors, et tu ne reve a moi.
Tu te leve, et tu ne reve a moi.

Je t'haine, mais je t'adore
Je t'attende, mais tu ne viens
Je t'attende, et tu t'en vas
Je t'haine.


C'est moi,
le probleme?
Je crois pas.
Je veux toi seulement,
comment ca faire un probleme?
Je te trouve et puis je te suive.

Moi, je suis le probleme?
Tu ne m'aime. Ca c'est le probleme
Pense en tout ce que nous pouvons devenir.
Il n'y a que maintenant, nous.
Nous nous sommes.

ParleS! Dites-moi qq'ch. JE TE VEUX!
JE T'AIME! Ne m'aimes-tu pas?

Quelle horreur!
Ted...a UAL thing, but still good idea!
...not listening to music.
...not doing homework.
...getting ready to do lab and workbook stuff for espanyol.

Ok, so what's up with me? Not much really. I bet I can fill up this space though.

One thing I did hear was that JBushnam's father died, suddenly, of a heart attack. This was from Hil, who's in TX who got this info, I'm guessing from either Megan or Lori. And all I can think is how close death is coming to my life. Just a few weeks ago, SSmith's father died suddenly too. It's sad to actually see that people are not invincible, though just for kicks my mind still likes to think so.

I really dislike people who are flirtatious. It angers me because I know I could fall for them. Only because I'm in what anyone calls a "desperate" sexual mode. I can imagine waiting for that someone that I'm in love with; however, I haven't found that one, hell I haven't even really been looking. Sex is what my chemistry tells me to find, though my mind for some reason or other says to not even look for it, not even seek relationships.

First of all, where's the ego? I need a middle ground, somewhere, between my id and my superego. I haven't found it though, and of course I'm a mostly super-ego driven person, so I won't look, or even try, at that, for a relationship. Hmm...I have a feeling that I'm repressing something!

Second, why aren't there any out guys on campus, that aren't kinda femmie, not that I don't like fem-'mos, but what gets me going is someone who's rather non-gay-acting.

Third, what is it that I'm afraid of? Rejection.

Hence, any guy who is flirtatious, even if straight and dating, screws me up further. Only because I know I can't have him BUT he's still my kinda sexy, or close-enough to it.


Oh, we gots some gifts from Cassie (though, she's not called Caisy, as I did say during dinner when I got the gift...sorry Cassie!!!). The gift is so~~~ cool; i got a clear file from a Tokyo library (tu/shu_guanV). Henyouyisi. It's so cool! Domo Arigatou kashi-chan!

Other news, I need to do a lot of sh*t, but I won't do it. Though, I feel like I'm more on top of things than I was before, like last week.

I was able to meet with NS from OCPN and go over somethings that need to happen, eventually, with the OCPN website. It's my current web-maintenance/web-building exercise. You can see it here. I didn't make most of the site, it's rather GonzaLo's thing. I definitely don' t have the skills OR creativity to make a whole, complete site like this. I however, did do some clean-up of the code and yada yada yada, so that the site would look better. There's some other cosmetic stuff that needs to happen, but I think it's at a place where it could be published. Now, if the OCPN weren't as slow as it is, then we could get somewhere. :D.

I talked with Hil, like I mentioned b4, over the weekend for 80 mins!, didn't mention that b4 did I?. It was nice talking to her. She told me that she's wondering why she's at that specific college and that she's considering going back to CO and entering CU. I'm thinking that it's a bit of homesickness, but also a lack of things to do. It sounds a lot like Soka, except with out the ebullient, friendly, and out-going people. (I mean come on it is texas! j/k--love y'all texans.)

speaking of texans...hehe david carr.

But back to Hil. It sounds like once she finds a good group of friends...aside: it's really hard to find friends after you've been with the same group of people for 3-4 years. You just become "used" to having those people around you, 'n to move to another place and have to make new friends and going from acquaitances to friends is difficult. It's also partly because the group that you were in b4 wasn't ever really hostile, or hostile-acting to becoming friends...she'll be fine. However, getting to that point with any group, or hell, with any person takes a lot of courage and persistence. Otherwise, it'll be something that will take a lot longer.

Toes on the nose!

Sports have been on my mind, mostly because the PHS boys soccer team won the state championship. Quite cool, for the place I grad'd from. I think it's long overdue that a non-Denver school won that thing too. However, I think that it's also interesting that the Soccer team, not that well funded, can get a state champ as compared to the Football team, which was booted out in the 4ter finals.

Sure, it's a different team, but I can feel some redemption. Now if the football (soccer) team would win state 4 years in a row...that'd be hella cool! I like football, but I think that there needs to be a diversification in the sports. Just Football, Basketball, and Baseball is boring. Hence, my affair with Field Hockey.

Hehe, don't I wish I had an affair.

Like, I said, I can fill up space rather well.

I'll write more of my pent-up frustrations tomorrow, or I mean later today...so I'll catchya l8r.
Does this not explain life sometimes?, from The Red Badge of Courage:
He suddenly lost concern for himself, and forgot to look at a menacing fate. He became not a man but a member. He felt that something of which he was a part--a regiment, an army, a cause, or a country--was in a crisis. He was welded into a common personality which was dominated by a single desire. For some moments he could not flee no more than a little finger can commit a revolution form a hand.
Where are all the real leading men?
Procrastination is a bitch...gotta go to bed in 1hour or i'll explode tomorrow...and that kinda goryness ain't beautiful...it's FUNCKINGLY ungly.
Now, I go to exercise. I'll post tonight, I think.
Finally, I'm getting back on track...sorry for the non-postings. Just been a bit busy with school-work. I'm a born-again studioso.
Bush's Democracy Message Gets a Warmer Welcome Than the Messenger (washingtonpost.com)
New Scientist
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | 'The public demands openness'
Anti-gay-marriage push announced
(NY Times) - (! Register !) Jessica Lynch Criticizes U.S. Accounts of Her Ordeal
Hail to the champs
Palestinians Forced to Apply for Permits
The Untouchable
oh yeah, sleep to get perspective and rest.
i feel like i'm going to explode and it won't be pretty. explanation will be forthcoming, but right now i sleep.
That awful Vietnam comparison
Stomach, hurt. Hospital. Ouch! IV! Hydration! Diarrhea! Vomiting! Better...hydration! Back, sleep.
Taiwan, of all places...
CBS-Gay Bishop Answers Critics
Tired,but it feels good. Did my arches fall tonight or what?