
Lists on break

Four jobs I have had in my life:

  1. Lunch bag assembler for firefighters (during the Summer of Fire in Colorado)
  2. Car-washer
  3. Courtesy Clerk
  4. IT HelpDesk frontline technician

Four places I have lived:

  1. Fort Collins, CO
  2. Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
  3. Aliso Viejo, CA
  4. Laguna Niguel, CA

Four TV shows I like to watch:

  1. Ugly Betty

Four places I have been on vacation:

  1. Regensburg (DE-Germany)
  2. Granada, Andalucia (ES-Spain)
  3. Zushi-shi, Kanagawa-ken (JP-Japan)
  4. Paso Robles, CA (USA)

Four of my favorite foods:

  1. Samosas & Curry
  2. Dim Sum (esp Chicken Feet)
  3. Sushi
  4. Pizze italiane

Four places I would rather be right now:

  1. Hiking
  2. Dancing at a bar/club
  3. Doing Soka Group

Four places I like to shop

  1. H&M or Zara (difficult choice)
  2. Target
  3. Ikea
  4. Urban Outfitters

....it's only mid-month!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's been such a long month already. I can't believe how much i've been doing related to bsg activities. diana agrees.

it's really been that long of a month.

I think i've been 'seeing' someone for almost 6 weeks now. this is weird.

as i have a moment to breathe

I'm relishing in the moment. I forgot how fast-paced the beginning of semester can be. People coming in and out, calls all the time, balancing between Dell and HCY. It's amazing that this pace can be sustained until the next summer.