
buck up son.

Hey all,

Not much to spell out here. Things are going well. We had an awesome festival this past Saturday. I didn't do much work for it other than prepare a presentation for the discussion portion of the March 16th Celebration. OC YPG was on fire! The other groups were good, but OC YPG was hoooooootttttttttt!!!!!!! (Can't type those letters enough I guess). I was happy to see that Rey came. There were a couple other guests in my presentation group and about 10 of us presenting. :D. Promotions went okay. I've got to focus on the Japanese Gosho tomorrow and the Youth Chill day on Saturday for Soka Group. Sigh. It's weird to have a few free moments to myself.

I get to think back on a few things and see where I've come to. Still feeling like I need much more to go. But, it's nice to be able to rest a bit more than just "go-go-go."

waxing gay


I was reading one of my regular blogs and I came across this. Honestly, i don't know what to think. Personally, I find inspiration in Gandhi's non-violent protests. Really, does violent action against violence encourage nothing but more violent thought and action?


This i find is a more positive response to King's death.