

It's too warm.

33C, right now as I type. It's so warm. Too warm!

In other news, I watched a movie with Beau. Cuddled and that's about it. "What is love?" This question keeps on popping into my mind as I think about him and as I go over to his place. Another question also pops up: "what is truth?" This question because, as of now, my mom is still most definitely wanting me to have a girlfriend. She believes I am confused, or at least that's what I'm lead to believe. I know my parent's wouldn't send me to an ex-gay camp--we're not Christians--but she uses Buddhism to basically say "I won't believe you." Sigh. So "what is truth?" (Is the de-capitalization of truth/Truth significant here?, I doubt.)

Anyways, I'm going to go put myself in a freezer so I can cool off. Ta' Luego.

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