
happy 2000 and 10.

Well, it's almost that hour where we start counting down the last few moments of the year. And as I review the minutes and days that have passed in 2009. I can't help but start to appreciate all that has happened.  It's been a big year.  Things have happened throughout the world in the past 18 months that only happen once in a hundred years.  The next time some financial catastrophe like what's happened in 2008-2009, only a handful of us who are alive right now will be around.

Though it has been a catastrophic year for many people, and though many may continue to struggle with things throughout the world; it is, objectively, nothing new.  There will be other things that take our attention once the economies of the world start functioning at a higher level, perhaps, not in the same way as they were "before".

The decade that is about to pass was one that started with an act of violence, where very few died, but many suffered.  The way it ends at least in 2009 is one in which, very few have died directly because of the financial crisis, but many have suffered directly, and everyone has suffered indirectly.

It will never be as "before," but I have hope.  I don't know where this hope comes from: I surely haven't got all of the things that I want, the things that I think I need.  But, I appreciate those things I do have.  Health, Family, Love and Beauty, Work, and Mission.  Maybe, I'm happy and hopeful because I do have these things. :-)

Waxing poetic on this night of a full moon and cold weather.  Something may be composed later on tonight!

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