
To what extent...

Do i really want to push myself? "To what extent..." is such an IB history question.

Right now, I'm really testing my ability to stay in this moment, not in the future or in the past. This thing I have with Alex, is pushing my ability to really stay focused on my goal AND stay in the moment and to really care about the people in my life.

Speaking of which, I need to call home. Randomly, about 2 years after coming to SUA and having very little homesickness, I've gotten a tad bit of homesickness. It must be the 4th, and not having seen my family for about 3 months now. It's a bit melancholy, but nonetheless, I'll be happy to see them in August. I'm looking forward to seeing them here at SUA, not only for the cash infusion I'm sure they'll bring, but to be with them as a whole family once again.

SF trip planning is going along, as soon as I get my cheque for the last two weeks of work (about $500 post-tax) I'll book the room through the phone. I'm going to call Lisa this week too just to make sure she's ok with the hotel situation.

I'm really worried about something, but I don't know what it seems to really be about.

I went with Doris and Seung to Tea Station for lunch today, I owe Doris back $10, remember that. But it was really good, it was @ culver plaza, on culver near irvine center drive. I do believe I'll have to take my parents and my family there. Eating at the restaurant, I was "remembering" for some reason that I don't think my obaachan and my mom have a very good view of other asians. It could be the Japanese culture coming through there for them, or it could be an imagined view on my behalf. But it worried me, if i was to take my obaachan there, what would it be like?

It was cool, I could read a whole line of the Tea Station place mat. Not that I could remember it right now, but I felt accomplished, and even about 2 months after I last took a chinese class.

There's been a lot going on since I've last posted a full text blog, so I can't go into too much detail, it's nearing bed time, but I will explain some things that've been going on.

So since the 25th: pri has left, i went over to pri's to have a family dinner, the 4th has happened, i've been kissed for the first time, i've made-out for the first time, i saw spidey 2 and i saw fahrenheight 9/11, i'm at $0 in my bank accounts, i've made great yakisoba, i've been listening to kroq and kiss pretty much all the time, i've had breakthroughs, and slides-back to oblivion, my faith has grown in parts and stagnated in others, i've read a lot of colorado papers, and yet i've got almost no clue what's going on across the street, i've worked 40 hours, but really worked about 10. It's been a long time since i've written and I can't remember much of it.

I'll have to text blog more with some more photoblogging too.

I promise. (to myself and to you).


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