
Morning Runs...

These morning run things are the best. Suge~desuyou~!

While they do require a lot of work, like waking up, eating breakfast, doing gongyo, and then going to run...it's a lot of reward: i.e. i got to look at a cute runner-dude. :D.

Also, I get to keep my health levels up. But, man, Colorado air is really thin! I go 1/3d of a mile here and I'm getting out of breath. At least, my oxygen levels will go up, I hope.

So, I'm so in a state of flux, I'm not at SUA, but I still get to hear about the things that are going on there. I'm also not on study abroad, and am waiting for it. So, I'm here in Colorado, in a state of flux, not really ready to let go of SUA, but at the same time, not really ready for Spain.

Then, the thought that does help me a bit, is that I've gotta focus on this moment to make the most out of it. Because, as was experienced yesterday, I did very little in the way of preparing for spain, or doing anything at all. So today, Run, go to Starbux, have a bit of coffee, and study a bit of spanish. At least that way, by noon, I can say that I did something.

Anywhoo, time to get out of my own stink and shower.

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