
Random notes from the past few days

Lightening is so sexy and erotic. It's a momentary flash between two poles of electricity, seeking the quickest (in this case) path to equal out the build up of static electricity in the sky and the ground. Yesterday we had a "gully-washer" that lasted about an hour--it was raining sheets and

My nipples are raw after running this morning. I "ran" about 3'5 miles (5k?) this morning at 09h45. "Running" in this case would be a fast start and then herking-and-jerking to the 'finish' line at home. Percentage of the time spent running/jogging = 85%; windsprinting = 45 seconds; resting from windsprints = 160 seconds; resting = rest. It was so warm by 9h30, I had a hard time believing it was already 75F or 80F. Anyways, back to the nipples. Because I ran for the first time in a while and had a cotton tee on, the shirt rubbed up against my nipples the whole time I was running. I didn't notice until I got in the shower and noticed that my nipples were "hey you up there, we're raw! don't rub soap into us!" So, thus you have the nipple comment.

Other news: I'm fat(ter). Since I haven't done ANY exercise in the last week and a half except the now 2 times I've been to Field Hockey--I've grown fatter. Not that the scale would tell you i've become heavier: i'm actually about 5lbs lighter since I've gotten back. I think I'm losing muscle and gaining fat. Hmm...that's definitely not good. Have to cut down on the calorie intake or increase the exercise output.

I've been productive today: I've read my e-mails. I've doodled. I've started a scrapbook--after seeing the Senior Scrapbook, I was so insipred and so ready to start documenting, for myself, something aobut the last year of SUA. I've vaccuumed the house. I took my grandma to the supermarket.

Now I'm just chatting and being bored. I still should study Zhongwen. And I need to continue on tha whole scrap book thing. Or something.

Tomorrow is yet another day of field hockey. I'm excited.

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