
“I feel fine.”

I’m not into ‘casual’ dating. I am in love with someone who is. I wonder how it is that other’s go through the same suffering I’m going through. How do they cope? How is it that they overcome their suffering?

I have my answer to that: throw your sadness and suffering aside, work harder at what it is that you know will create value in your life. It’s not a new answer, is it? I don’t think so. It seems to me that that’s a lot what Ikeda Sensei did as a youth…whatever challenges he faced, he brought it back to the Gohonzon and used it as inspiration to deepen his faith in his innate Buddhahood. I want to do that as well. I want romance! I deserve romance! I want to have my buddhahood recognized. I want to recognize my buddhahood and that of others as well.

“Suffer what there is to suffer…”

"Sufre lo que tenga que sufrir, goce lo que tenga que gozar. Considere el sufrimento y la alegría como hechos de la vida y continúe invocando Nam-myoho-rengue-kyo, pase lo que pase. ¿No sería esto experimentar la ilimitada alegría que proviene de la Ley? Fortalezca su fe más y más." Nichiren Daishonin.

In my SGI responsibilities, I want to be able to support all the YMD district leaders as much as I can. I hope that I can show this to my district leaders. How can we create American Kosen-rufu? I want to be able to encourage so many people to do their human revolution that these districts pop. How do I translate this desire for American Kosen-rufu into something tangible? How do I affect others to also challenge this desire for American Kosen-rufu? Sensei has created Japanese kosen-rufu and world-wide kosen-rufu; I want to respond to his desire for world-wide kosen-rufu by creating the formula for OC kosen-rufu and American kosen-rufu.

I’m best prepared for it: I have a basic understanding of “Japanese culture,” of “Hispanic culture,” of “American culture.” I lack understanding of people and of the “OC culture,” Of this, my co-leader, chapter leader, Brian Wansolich, I think has a better understanding. SUA students can fuel this American kosen-rufu, we can work toward the goal of American Kosen-rufu together. Suffering what it is that we are suffering, enjoy what it is that we are enjoying but none the less considering suffering and happiness as facts of life and continuing to chant Nam-myho-renge-kyo no matter what happens. When we do that we will experience the unlimited joy from the law. We shall strengthen our faith more than ever.

I have a mission to work toward setting the formula of American Kosen-rufu here in the OC, in Laguna Niguel, here in my house, in my community. I want to know how it is I can contribute to the wide flow of Kosen-rufu. I wish to be the person who pushed for so many ideas, for so many things.

I realize that I need to study the culture of this area, intellectually and experiencing it as well. I want to develop a life-state that can translate this desire to understand into creating bonds of friendship throughout the county of oranges.

“Gay Republicans!”

I couldn’t image what it would be like to be a gay Republican. I recognize that being a gay Republican would be the second most difficult thing a gay man could do after being a Buddhist ;). I think one who agrees to the ideals of the Republican party—I’m talking Ideals here people, not the actions—is someone who is upright. Though to be forced to work in a place where you’re asked to compartmentalize your life is something that is unbelievably horrible. I hope that these people can see breakthroughs in the Republican party. Those who work for the ‘gaying’ of the Republican party are my compatriots in living a fully gay life and I hope that they can see the breakthrough in their party. I empathize with that life…I’ve lived it. Those who work for an open-minded Republican party are ultimately worthy of great appreciation and thanks.


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