More top 10s to come...


My life is flying higher.

I completed a fully 9.5 hours of work yesterday...now two days ago. It was actually fun, once I got into it. I do have to say that all the guys at that place are really 'guys'. Dunno how that's going to be, but either way, they're all great and I had a good time, even if I over analyze and think too much.

Goals: I'm still 'batting' 500. I've been able to do Gongyo AND an hour of chanting for about 2 of the last 4 (now 5) days, so I'm good.

Studying, eh...still haven't cracked open a book or a LB. Hmm...I did read the WT near all way through, so mabye, once I'm set in 1 hour daimoku, I'll be fine.

Other stuff, eh...well...suffice to say, I should speak-up more.

Affirmations of the hour:
"I have a right to have an opinion and to have it heard."
"I have a duty to make sure that all opinions are heard."
"I want to live my life."

Now off to bed,


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