

So this will be a [perhaps] better blog entry than the last one. No I wasn't on crack or anything, but it was definitely not in my normal style.

However, before I begin anything, I'll have to go cook something. Cooking wine is great! (btw).

Can I make the determination to be happy and joyful of whatever situation I'm in, again?


Have I ever made a determination like that? NO I guess not.

Well, now that I'm here on-line, after such a good meal: celery and cabbage, slightly curried, steamed with cooking wine; peppered chicken with tomatoes on rice; and a burger. I feel good. Amazingly good.

I'm making this determination to be happy and joyful in whatever situation I'm in. If I'm going to live my life's ups and downs, why do I need to be so depressed about it, so dreary about it? I don't, so I'm giving it up. "I'm breaking the habit tonight..."

It'll be hard, I'm a cynic by nature. I guess. "Always look on the bright side of life..."

Ok, enough with the linkinpark and the montypython.

I'm making a goal of 1.25 hours of daim until tomorrow, and then from then on, 1.5. After that I'm going to try 2 hours a day! I need to kick my karma in the ass, and make some positive changes in my life...like not swearing! :D

Also, I've been neglecting relationships, with family, with Alex, with a lot of people. And I should really cherish the time I have with them. So, I hope that I'll be able to start that too.

See what a good day of gongyo-ing does to your mental healtH?

Oyasumi! JAne!
'Night! See ya!

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