The car that we went to see was really good. I liked it. Hopefully we get the best car. I have to remember that. I liked the car, but I still have to get the best car for my situation. That means that I have to get the car that matches what I need and not the first one I see or the first one that I really like. That liking is apart of it, but not the only factor to consider.

The car we looked at handled really well. It had good pick-up for a 4-banger (4-cylinder) and it was comfortable for 4 people, even me in the back seat. The radio was a bit off, but that's because the antenna was broken off. But it looked like it was well cared for. The paint had few scratches the car's interior looked like it had been cleaned, but there were no problems I could see, all the buttons seemed to work and everything seemed like it didn't come off. So, while I hope this is the car that we get, and I hope the offer we sent in will be pleasant to the seller. I think we do have another day (actually several weeks) before I 'need' a car).

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