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Parent's can be restrictive sometimes. I love them, but right now...ugh. I tried to leave the house tonight so that I could drop off some food at the hang-out house...JO and EW's place at around 10p...but 'no, you can't go'. Argh!

Eh, and this whole curfew thing technically being at 10h30pm is really killing me. I get a call or I have to call at around 10h30 asking when I'll be home. Then, of course, they don't treat me as even a young adult.

Point of understanding
My brother did just have an accident, but still. I'm not him, and he's not me.

We're two different people.

I have had time to mature and know (better) my limits. Or at least I'm pretty sure I know them better. I don't drink and drive, I have only taken 1 or 2 drinks ever. I'm not ever going to smoke anything (cigettes, cigs, or a joint). I'm usually a calm person, or at least calm enough and probalby calmer than my brother is.

It doesn't add up.

Plus the fact that I'm 19...and have for the last 9 months, successfully not killed myself living in the dorms. (Barring the whole Soka is such a protected environment argument).

Eh, I'm just kind of frustrated...I'm the first child and I'm not used to being this confined. Even when I was in school...I didn't get such strict restrictions. I mean, my curfew was basically 12p for the summer. I liked that. I probably abused that deadline too much, but my parents worry too much. It's not like I'm going to end up drunk and trying to drive home. I'm probably the straightest shooter out there (except for the whole other 'straight' thing).

Argh! It's a frustrated "argh!" and not a fuck-the-world "argh!" And what's worse is this is the kind of "argh!" that is slowly built up. Rather than a swell. It's worse to have it build-up.

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